Monday, October 22, 2007

One bad weekend...

As well all do we tend to slip back in to comfort zones. Well this weekend was full of eating bad and some minor drinking(at ski partol events there is MAJOR drinking going on so I was a very good boy with 2 water to every one beer..). Speaking of beer I forgot how good a blue moon wheat beer tastes... but i digress. Anyways time to push off the sluggishness of eating foul(my body is hating me right now)and move ahead with a resonable train plan of running running running...

Monday, October 15, 2007

One week down...

Well it's one week down and I feel like hummm not sure.. I'm glad i'm in this challenge and All I know is I want to swim more.. I've had a few bad diet days but i've been good with working out even though my HO-HUM times. I hear you can get depressed when you cleansing so it mioght be that or an over brearing EX or who knows.. All i do know is i've been with out coffee for 4+ weeks with out sugar for 3+ weeks and that does feel good.. (I had some sport beans and got a total sugar rush on saterday I will not do that again)

So to everyone have a good week and I'll be posting in more often I hope

From todays work out...

75LBS of heat retaining gear will lead to a very sweaty hippo

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

WInter challenge

Well my laptop cord has carped out on me so I'm doing this quick.

Weight 246.8
Fat % 27.8
BMR 2438

and now the photo's

Oh ya I'm trying to add these to the new site.. but No luck..

I hope to have my laptop fixed tomorrow..

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Baby steps...

The journey of a thousand miles starts with one step. How true it is. This week I took a few step in the right direction.

  1. Whole Body cleanse- Man i have miss treated my body with junk food,beer, no exersize,more beer,and being lazy now to correct that.
  2. Start working out again- this summer I did two sprint tri's and after that spent a LOT of time with my 5 y/o daughter with out regard to fitness(yes i was doing somestuff but nothing that i could log as working out) because i was gulity about spending 3 week in Africa
  3. CLEAN DIET- lifestyle change.. 0% sugar or refined products that inculeds gel,sportdrinks and engery bars
  4. Live the life of Slow Burn-I'll never be a top finisher But i'll be a great middle of the packer. In the book slow burn it teaches you to burn fat for energy which I know I have a lot of.

So as you can see it will be a tough fight to brake free of my sugar addicttion...but I'll get there